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Stay Off of Social Media After a Car Accident

4 Reasons to Avoid Social Media

When living in a digital age, it seems like social media presence is everything. Often, this leads to a false sense of feeling like sharing online is an expectation after every life event, good or bad. However, when you’re going through the personal injury claims process after a car accident, it can be more damaging than you may think. Here are four reasons why your social media posts can damage your claim — and why “ghosting” may be your best option.

#1. Insurance Companies Are Watching You

When dealing with the car accident claims process, it’s important to consider the implications of your social media posts. This is because insurance companies often use evidence found on social media to discredit victims and find holes in their stories. While we may think our posts are harmless, they can be easily spun into something else by an insurance company. Even if you think your post would never be interpreted in that way, there’s no guarantee it won’t happen.

#2. Your Injuries May Be Questioned

By staying off of social media after a car accident, you can avoid the possibility that your injuries will be questioned. Insurance companies often look for posts where victims are downplaying their injuries or engaging in activities that contradict what they’ve told medical professionals or insurance adjusters. This could potentially lead to questions about how serious your injuries actually are — and if this is the case, you could end up receiving less compensation than you deserve.

#3. You May Accidentally Admit Fault

Determining fault is one of the key components of any personal injury claim. So even if done unintentionally by answering comments or putting potentially incriminating details in the caption, you could be signaling to the insurance companies or court that you are accepting blame for what happened. Statements as nonchalant as making an apology could even be considered an admission of fault, so it’s important to proceed with caution.

#4. Photos Are Evidence

Finally, it’s important to note that posting photos of yourself after the accident could potentially damage your personal injury claim. While you may think that pictures could be used as proof of your injuries and bolster your case, they can also be misconstrued or spun in a negative way. If a photo seems to be downplaying your injuries and you’ve already told medical professionals or insurance adjusters that the extent of them is much worse, then this could lead to serious issues for your claim.

Why “Ghosting” is Usually the Best Option

In any case, it is always better to operate under the guise of “rather be safe than sorry.” This means that “ghosting” your social media accounts and staying off of any digital platforms is the most secure route in terms of protecting yourself from anything that could potentially damage your case. While this might not seem ideal, it’s important to remember that the potential damage you could encounter if you don’t take this route is much worse.

If staying off of social media is not possible for you for some reason, consider consulting with your personal injury attorney to determine what is and isn’t appropriate to share. They will be able to advise you on how your posts could potentially affect your ability to succeed in your personal injury claim.

Car Accident? Smith, Ball, Báez & Prather Can Help

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, the personal injury attorneys at Smith, Ball & Báez are here to help. Our experienced team of professionals can provide you with legal advice and representation so that you can get the compensation you deserve for any losses or expenses. Contact us today to find out how we can assist you with your personal injury claim by calling (561) 500-4357 or filling out this short form.

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