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Florida Personal Injury Lawyers / Port St. Lucie Car Accident Whiplash Lawyer

Port St. Lucie Car Accident Whiplash Lawyer

Whiplash is a very serious injury which has a reputation for being something people exaggerate. This reputation is wrong. Whiplash often disables people, who need months of rehabilitation and painkillers to slowly get back to normal. As they recover, accident victims face financial distress and fears about the future.

At Smith, Ball & Báez, we have helped car accident victims for decades receive compensation following an auto collision that is not their fault. We are pleased to offer our services to anyone suffering pain following a crash. Call us to speak with a Port St. Lucie car accident whiplash lawyer.

Whiplash Severity

A motorist can suffer whiplash in any car accident, but rear-end collisions are probably the most common cause. After being hit from behind, a motorist’s head will be thrown forward before snapping back. This forward-and-back motion is like the tip of a whip, which is how the injury got the name “whiplash.”

Such violent motion can damage ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves in the neck and upper back. This soft tissue might stretch or even completely tear, leading to swelling and sharp pain.

The most common whiplash symptoms include:

  • Neck stiffness
  • Pain in neck and shoulders
  • Dizziness
  • Tenderness in shoulders and arms
  • Double vision
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Jaw injuries
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Irritability

Whiplash victims often suffer other injuries, like concussions, which share similar symptoms, including headache. The violent shaking can also pinch nerves in the neck or even crack vertebrae.

A doctor can diagnose whiplash by asking questions and possibly ordering an imaging test to see the soft tissue. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Whiplash is a serious injury, and symptoms can last for months. Doctors used to immobilize the neck for months using a collar, but now they try to reintroduce motion while also controlling pain and inflammation. Very serious whiplash could damage the cervical bones in your neck, as well as the discs in between. Surgery is rare but sometimes necessary.

You Deserve Compensation

Whiplash can leave someone unable to turn their head or sleep normally for months at a time. Unsurprisingly, many people cannot work and suffer an immediate and dramatic drop in family income. They also have medical expenses from prescription medication, rehabilitation, and other treatment.

Finally, the pain and suffering our clients experience is usually quite high. You deserve compensation to make up for these economic and non-economic damages.

Reach Out to Our Firm

It isn’t unusual for someone suffering from whiplash to quickly consume all of their PIP benefits. Medical care and missed work usually cost our clients more than $10,000, and we can discuss options for seeking additional compensation. In some situations, you can sue the driver who struck you for a serious injury, even in a no-fault state like Florida.

Contact Smith, Ball & Báez today. Our Port St. Lucie car accident whiplash lawyer can go over your legal options and help you document the full extent of your injury, including your financial losses stemming from the crash.